
Pilates Exercise

What is Reformer Pilates?

Working on the reformer is an excellent option for individuals seeking to build muscle strength and maintain flexibility, particularly for those who may struggle with traditional exercises like squats, lunges, or push-ups. The reformer’s spring-based system provides gentle, adjustable resistance, allowing for controlled movement synchronized with steady, diaphragmatic breathing—a light inhale through the nose followed by a slightly longer exhale. The versatility of the reformer makes it ideal for designing an endless variety of personalized workouts.

One of my favorite exercises is reformer footwork, which strengthens the entire lower body without placing undue stress on the hip, knee, or ankle joints.

We use high-quality equipment from Stott Pilates, specifically designed to accommodate clients with diverse goals, whether improving balance and mobility, enhancing strength and flexibility, or anything in between. The spring-based systems on all three major pieces of equipment offer a unique opportunity to optimize each session, challenging the body both concentrically and eccentrically simultaneously. This dual-action resistance training not only delivers exceptional results but also typically reduces post-workout muscle soreness.

Our equipment can be used bilaterally or unilaterally, providing the flexibility to target specific strength goals while supporting safe and effective movement for all fitness levels.

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Work with me to maintain your mobility strength, balance and overall health and movement.


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    Tarannum, I have sent you this testimonial because you have helped me so much over the years. I have been seeing Tarannum every Thursday for many years. I got to know her when I took her group class at my fitness club. I decided to take privates from her when I heard how important she was to some of the ladies in the class. Indeed when one of these ladies burst into tears when it was announced Tarannum’s class would be cancelled for a couple of weeks. I thought her weird to be so upset, but now I totally understand her reaction. Tarannum has helped me in so many ways. Playing tennis has been hard on my right shoulder- but not to worry. Tarannum always knows what is needed to get that shoulder back in shape! My main weakness is my lower back. It is something I have suffered from since a teenager. Right from my very first session she told me to stop holding in my stomach. Hard for me to do that but eventually I did follow her advice. I rarely have back issues now and when I do I follow Tarannum’s advice. The hour I spend with her in my weekly sessions is so relaxing but hard work at the same time. She is always aware of what my body is capable of. I always leave feeling so good about myself. I finally persuaded my husband to see Tarannum and he like me has been greatly helped. We both agree we are very lucky to have Tarannum to take care of our issues. I am 77 and Vic is 80. We both play tennis on a regular basis. I am convinced that Tarannum is the reason that I can still play. Indeed I believe I play better than ever! Thank you Tarannum. What would I do without you!

    “I have been training with Tarannum for many years now, during which she has helped me through many aches and pains that have crept up on me as I have grown older. However, it wasn’t till   just recently that I mentioned to her that I was having nerve pain (pins and needles) in my foot as the result of sciatica that I suffered many years ago. Since it was nerve pain, I assumed there was nothing to be done about it. The many medications I had tried gave me no help. So ,in passing, I mentioned it to Tarannum.  The pain had been getting more and more severe. Tarannum immediately put on her thinking cap and came up with some breathing and posture exercises, and as a result, I have been pain free for the last two weeks. And I have been sleeping better, and able to relax without pain. Tarannum loves what she is doing. She teaches with enthusiasm and intelligence. She enjoys helping people, and they enjoy the benefits of her teachings”

    “I could not recommend a better teacher or trainer for beginners or advanced Pilates and movement students. Tarannum’s direct openness and interest in your well-being makes her classes and interactions superb.”

    Her training and expertise in Integrated Movement adds an enormous quality and insight to her precise teaching, demonstrations, explanations and corrections.  She makes sure you do understand the posture or exercise in its fullest, physically feeling its power and incorporating it safely in your routine.”

    “Tarannum Nasser is the best instructor I have had in over 15 years of Pilates lessons and training.  She has the ability to explain and demonstrate each movement with such detail and accuracy that it  is almost impossible not to get it, Should  you still not get it, she will help you to understand how, with individual attention even in the middle of a class, because it does help us all.”